Government GSA Framing
Peterson Picture Company is a Chicago based, volume custom frame manufacturer and art advisory service offering wall décor solutions for both corporate and government customers.
- Over 70 years of successful completion of complex art and framing projects.
- All manufacturing consolidated in one facility.
- Minimizing carbon footprint using sustainable materials, domestically sourced, whenever possible.
- Deadline sensitive keeping within budgetary guidelines.
- Art Sourcing
- Large format printing capabilities
- Volume framing production capabilities
- Climate controlled storage facilities
- Worldwide shipping
- Installation experience in all types of art including multi-dimensional 3D art.
Shuttleworth Clinic, Federal Fixed Price Contract: W912DY20F0769. Consisting of printed art, framing, printed acrylic pieces and a cable hanging system with custom steel lettering. Over 200 complex pieces successfully completed under an exacting SOP.
500 room apartment complex in Chicago’s River North suite area. Art sourced, printed and framed using tempered glass. Public space art sourced from artists in Ukraine and Poland. Project successfully completed under a sharp deadline for opening ceremonies.
Sacred Oaks Healing Center Federal Contract: 75H70321F80014. Art sourced and printed. Frame moulding custom designed to customer’s specifications. Project timeline exceeded over one year, yet all initial budgetary constraint limits were met.
Rebecca Franson Design – Chicago based nationwide art + framing advisory firm. Projects range from individual high- end residential pieces to large corporate settings. Peterson has printed, framed, and shipped over 10,000 pieces over 15 years.
Contact Peterson Picture Co. today to discuss your current or upcoming art and framing needs. Let us show you what we can do!

773-463-8888 x10
Ft. Sill OK
VA Clinic Golden, CO
Ft. Sam Houston, TX
Ft. Carson, CO
Ft. Riley, CA
Contact Us
Have a photo, rare piece of artwork or digital image that you’d like printed and framed? Looking for stunning new images to line your home or office? Our skilled and experienced staff are eager to assist with your project.
contact us