certificate framing

Corporate Display: Tips for Framing Your Certificates or Awards

Receiving an award or certificate as a corporate business is a big deal. It means you’re qualified to get the job done and have a proven track record of going above and beyond. However, that doesn’t mean you should just stick awards and achievements up on a bulletin board or rely on the digital icons on your website. You should proudly display them in your office or corporate setting so everyone can see them. To help you understand how to do this, we’ve put together the ultimate guide for creating a corporate display, complete with framing tips for certifications and company awards.

7 Helpful Tips for Framing and Displaying Awards in Your Office

Consider the following tips to help create a gallery wall in your office that proudly displays your certificates and awards.

1. Determine How You Want to Showcase Framed Certificates and Awards

Regardless of your organization’s many certifications or awards, it’s important to organize them strategically. One way to display hard work and dedication is to sort your awards by importance, recognition, or prestige. For example, organizations with individuals who have Ph. D.s or Master’s degrees may choose to put those diplomas in prominent areas. This lets your clients or customer base see your expertise and accreditation easily. Ideally, you want to draw attention to the certificates based on the importance of your achievements.

You may also want to group awards by type. If you’ve received the same award multiple years in a row, putting them in chronological order allows clients to see your commitment to excellence year after year. The same idea goes for educational awards. Showcasing achievements in this way can tell a chronological story of your organization, which can complement your business’ bottom line.

2. Choose the Right Place for Your Framed Awards

A popular option for businesses to hang their awards and achievements is at the front desk near the entrance. This immediately lets clients see your status and creates a visually appealing yet professional aesthetic. It may be better to display person-specific certifications and educational advancements in the individual’s office.

When designing your layout, an important factor is whether your certificates and awards are oriented in either landscape or portrait. You can create a layout plan for your gallery wall beforehand, either with a heterogenous or homogenous approach. You can read more about designing your gallery wall here.

3. Create a Theme That Reflects Your Company

Once you have the location and layout to display certificates, it’s time to determine a theme. This will include colors, sizes, and backdrops within the frame designs, frame style, and matboard colors. You may want to match your office decor, or you may choose to adhere to the organization’s branding styles and colors. There are several ways to showcase your achievements, but choosing the right aesthetic can make a big difference. If you’re unsure what option is right, consulting with a professional wholesale framing company can help.

For corporate organizations that display their achievements in a common area or at the front desk, consider including your mission statement or displaying your company’s core values nearby. Depending on which custom frames you choose, these can be added to your gallery wall using decals and add a touch of elegance.

award framing4. Choose the Right Frame Options

Although they sell plenty of picture frames at the craft store, choosing a frame for an award should involve careful consideration. That’s why custom frames for your certificates are one of the best options for achieving professional results. Custom framers understand the quality of the materials involved and can provide you with many options that stand the test of time.

For example, you’ll want to choose between classic and contemporary frames, the material, color, and finish. You can choose from several types of wood frames, or you can opt for a metal frame for a more sleek aesthetic.

5. Pick a Glazing Option

One of the most important factors when selecting a certificate frame is the type of glazing used. Today, traditional glass options are available alongside more indestructible plexiglass.

Glass frames come in various options, including laminated glass, anti-reflective glass, conservation glass, and museum glass. Museum glass is often used to protect and preserve documents, which may be a good option for diplomas or other important educational awards. Plexiglass also comes in the same tiers.

The type of glazing you’ll use requires careful consideration based on the type of document you want to frame. Luckily, your custom framing professional will be able to help you find the perfect option for both style and budget.

6. Add High-Quality Matboard

Another important factor to consider when choosing a frame is the matboard you’ll add. The matting will surround your achievements and help complement the frames. This can also help protect documents and aid in the overall form of framed pieces. You’ll want to consider the style and determine whether black or white is best based on your frame colors and office style. For thinner face frames, you may also consider silver or gold matting to add a touch of elegance and sophistication. You can also ask for guidance on choosing the right matting for the ultimate corporate display. Using 100% cotton rag acid-free mats will also help protect your documents.

7. Incorporate Thoughtful Lighting

The lighting of your office and the areas around your certificate frames can also make a big impact. If feasible, consider adding LED strips or using illuminated display cases to highlight the most important certificates. However, don’t sacrifice high-quality framing solutions for lights. They should only be used if your picture framer recommends them. Another option would be to place spotlights on the area displaying your awards or just make sure they’re in a well-lit location. People should be able to read what’s inside if you want them to have an impact.

How to Choose the Right Frames for Certificates and Awards in Your Corporate Organization

Framing your achievements to display in your office or corporate setting might sound like a simple task, but if you really want to make an impact, it’s important to find the right custom framer. At Peterson Picture Co., we’ve got you covered.

When you’re looking for high-quality craftsmanship, cost-effectiveness, and a partner dedicated to transforming your vision into reality, turn to Peterson Picture Co. Contact us today and experience the difference of framing with passion and precision.